Day 185
Hunters vs. Farmers. I had grand images before coming up of growing my food as well as gathering. The fact that I haven’t ever grown anything more edible than a dandelion in my life, was no deterrent to me, as I’d also never so much as hammered two boards together either. What I’ve found is […]

Day 179
I’ve been told a few times now to, ‘Get a haircut.’ When Lisa first asked me if I was growing a beard, I’d responded that I’d just stopped shaving. There’s a difference. One emphasizes a desire to do something, while the other was simply doing nothing. The same applies for what’s happening with the hair […]

Day 172
Looks like I’m going to lose the nail after all. A couple of months ago, I’d earned my junior builder’s badge, a black carpenter’s thumb. I’d given it the taster’s pack, hitting it first with the tacker stapler (thankfully the staple didn’t go into the nail) then, about an hour later, with the hammer. More […]