Day 346
One of the real benefits of building a cabin on Haida Gwaii is the immense natural wealth there is here. The islands are even shaped like a cornucopia. As they say, “when the tide is out, the table is set.” With some knowledge, it’s almost impossible to starve here. It’s a food-gatherer’s dream. And what […]

Day 340
You are what you drive up here. Not in the city sense of people judging you for the make or newness of your car, but more that your car is kind of like your avatar. People pass your car on the road or see it parked in front of someone’s place, they know your movements, […]

Day 333
Internet Has Yet to Kill the Radio Star. Better Internet access may have revolutionized media access on the beach but good old radio still reigns as the universal medium here. It’s so pervasive that you can be listening to your favorite CBC radio show in your cabin, hop into your truck, continue listening, and pretty […]