Day 326
Hey Mer, That must have been a shocker, to be sipping umbrella drinks on the beach in Mexico, and get a call that one of your places was burning. Or not. After having had two of your structures go totally incendio, it’s not like it’s something new for you. Ross said that you took it […]

Day 319
On further reflection, there is another thing that I would have changed about my approach to the first year here. That is my expectations about being able to source my own food. I had way underestimated the time and effort that it takes to collect, process, and preserve foraged, fished, and hunted fare. Never mind […]

Day 311
Mrs. Murphy-Bridge of Nova Scotia asked: “If you had the opportunity to change 2 things in your initial approach to the Haida Gwaii venture what would they have been?” I didn’t want to fob off the question with a cheesy, trite-sounding, “Nothing!” even if it was my immediate reaction. But I’m still having trouble coming […]