Off Grid Explained

A couple days ago, my generator died (or passed out, as was more the case). A top up with some 10W30 was all it took to revive the heart of my operation (and mine).  I realized how little I could do in terms of communication without it.

Having said that, in less than half an hour, I could be enjoying a strong Americano and a strong Internet connection at a kick-ass café in town (The Ground. It could go the Pepsi-challenge with any café back home in Vancouver).

Being “offgrid” is not about making any sort of point about electricity, offgrid is really just shorthand for a kind of lifestyle that hundreds of thousands choose (and millions, don’t really choose) in North America, but more specifically living with this community of 100+/- people at the north end of Haida Gwaii.

I was thinking that by living this way I’ll connect with a simpler, more conscious way of living and pick up a few hard skills that I felt that I was sorely lacking. Not really sure how it’ll actually play out but that’s the fun of it.

The only rule is that there are no rules (except that I can’t subscribe to NetFlix. My data plan won’t allow for it).